Valhalla Paradis offers a Tax Efficient Retirement Lifestyle change for Icelandic and Scandinavian Retirees.
The Double Tax Treaty with Portugal effectively allows Icelandic and Scandinavian Retirees to take their Pension Tax Free, if they are Residing in Portugal at the time of Retirement and continue to live in Portugal for at least 183 days in the year.
The Tax Saving is up to 100%.
Additionally, the costs of living in the Algarve, Portugal are estimated to be 50-60% less than that in Iceland & Scandinavia; whilst the hot dry climate is also a hugely attractive pull to Investors.
The Tax Savings and lower cost of living effectively add up to virtually being able to acquire a property in the sunshine of the Algarve from Tax savings and Living Costs savings alone
Valhalla Paradis acquires and develops Residential property to sell into this market, where our market research shows clear strong demand from Buyers
Single Unit Property will not be acquired as that will not generate corporate Profits
Valhalla Paradis will acquire finished or part finished Developments at a Block discount or acquire Land Sites to build out and develop Residential Units for Sale
Sales Opportunites
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Investment Opportunity
Our regulated property bond offers investment opportunities in Valhalla developments.